All my offerings are created to awaken & empower other souls to realize their own greatness and powerful capacity to make all of their wildest dreams a reality: through nature; through community; through food; through energy. It is my beloved service and calling to awaken souls to their highest, most vibrant, unapologetically self-expressed, sovereign and earth-shatteringly loving expressions of themselves, beyond even their own imagination.

You can see all the ways I’m made to love you below. Trust your instincts to follow the path that will serve you best or, schedule a free call with me, to learn more about how I can serve you best on your path to your destiny.

  • Consciously Curated, Expertly Prepared + Reiki Infused Nourishment

    Your one stop shop for all your CONSCIOUS eating needs. All menu items are curated with LOVE. Reiki Infused Foods. We offer a range of services from high vibe meal prep to conscious catering to postpartum meal support.

  • Babes, Babies + Barbells

    In this signature program designed specifically for active mama’s who love the barbell, you will learn how to reclaim your fitness, overcome self-limiting beliefs around food and body image, join a community of other like-minded mama’s and embrace feeling confident, strong and sexy.

  • Mama & Me Adventures in Nature

    Mama Earth is the very best medicine and its my joy and privilege to guide empowering and super joyful hikes, with the littles in tow! This supportive hiking group is the perfect way to introduce and cultivate the magic of nature with your precious ones and teach them the values of movement, breath, and sunshine.

  • Holistic Lifestyle Coaching

    Virtual coaching calls that go beyond fitness and nutrition to help reveal, process, navigate and manifest. These calls are compassionate supportive and accountable space to help you manifest the transformation that your heart desires and your soul needs.

  • Reiki & Energy Work for Healing & Rejuvenation

    Energy work and reiki can provide the compassionate and loving space you need to metabolize stuck emotions, reset your parasympathetic nervous system, relax and receive the love that surround you. Available for distance sessions only at this time.

  • 5 Day Immersive Retreat in Vermont or Arizona

    A life changing five day retreat supporting folks suffering from disordered eating or body dysmorphia to reclaim body sovereignty, heal ancestral patterns and emerge ready to live their truth.