Babes, Babies + Barbells

Redefine the "mom-bod" and reclaim your sense of self, your athleticism + your pre-baby confidence

In this signature program designed specifically for active mama’s who love the barbell, you will learn how to reclaim your fitness, overcome self-limiting beliefs around food and body image, join a community of other like-minded mama’s and embrace feeling confident, strong and sexy.

This program includes customized strength training programming, customized nutrition mentorship and coaching as well as access to a supportive community of like-minded women on a similar reclamation journey of health, fitness, body-confidence and sense of self.

choosing to have a baby changes everything …

whether this is your first baby or you’re a seasoned baby-making machine, its undeniable the impact that growing, carrying, birthing, feeding, nurturing, loving and raising your little one(s) has on our body. as women, we are givers in nature. our instinct is to care for and nurture those around us. and because of this, we often put ourselves on the back burner.

I know you’ve heard the analogy that you can’t pour from an empty cup … and becoming a mother highlights this with glaring honesty. this is your chance to put yourself back on your priority list, in a balanced and wholesome way that allows you to add to the love and care you give to your family, rather than taking away from it.

whether you are three months postpartum, two years postpartum, or 10+ years postpartum, this program meets you where you are at.


Below, read what some of the wonderful women I’ve worked with have to say about their experience.

Tara Patterson

“I met Ashley in mid 2018 when Lifetime in Burlington opened.  At that time, I did some strength classes and was a runner; weightlifting was not something I was interested in. I took her class which was a HiiT class and as I progressed, she encouraged me to try a weightlifting class: Alpha. I was intimidated and scared to try it. I would see what those people would be doing in the class and thought I could never do it. But as I would find out over time, Ashley is always right with this stuff.  After a month of doing this new type of class, I found a love for lifting.  As 2020 approached I decided to prep for a fitness competition (scared to death again).  I hired Ashley to write my strength program and she has continued for a few seasons. Ashley creates a program based on what YOU want to accomplish and not what someone tells you that you need to do. I have achieved results I never thought I could and it's due to her programming.  She will also provide any modifications. I had to take a break from weights due to shoulder surgery and she gave me workouts when it was time to ease back in that fit in with my PT stuff.

Like a lot of women, my areas that need the most focus are my butt and legs and the progress I see each month is crazy.  By the time I compete, I cannot believe how my legs look. People comment on how great and lean they are, and I have Ashley to thank for the programming to get me there.  After working with her for a while now, I have learned you not only need to keep progressing with weights and changing the workouts, but you also need to eat to fuel your workouts. I used to think carbs are BAD, but I need them, especially for heavy lifts.  She has taught me a lot about lifting and eating and I am not afraid of carbs and eating more as I lift.  I also learned working with Ashley that the scale is not the be all and end all. I now don't really care what the scale says as I can see the results I am getting and how I feel is what matters.  

I will keep working with Ashley even when I am not competing as I realized how much I like working with Ashley and her creating my workouts for my own specific goals.  

If anyone is considering working with someone that truly will want what they want, then Ashley is the one you should work with.  She celebrates every success I have with the workouts and non-scale victories. It truly is more than a trainer/client relationship. She really cares about what her clients want and delivers a program that will yield results.” 

Erin Honeycutt

“I started working with Ashley in June of 2022 when I really started to focus on my body composition goals.  I lost a lot of my lean mass and gained more body fat than I wanted after an injury.  In January, I had refocused on consistency and getting back to the gym but after 6 months I had barely made any progress.  I was definitely more fit, and I felt better mentally, but I wasn't seeing the composition changes.  This is when I hired Ashley as my nutrition coach. She has been the best asset in my fitness and nutrition journey.   She has reversed me up from only eating 1300 calories a day to almost 2100 calories a day.  As I went though this reverse I was still struggling to build muscle.  She started educating me on progressive overload and in November I had Ashley start programming my workouts too.  I can say I have started to not only build muscle but also add strength and confidence.   She offers support every step of the way, she has talked me though struggles and celebrated all of my successes in the most genuine way!  She listens to my concerns and adjusts my nutrition and my workouts to accommodate what I need.   She pushes me to get better and holds me accountable.  She reinforces patience and also having grace with myself when I get discouraged.  Through all of this support the biggest value I have gained is continued consistentency and progress toward my goals.  She has been the best investment to keep me moving in the right direction in a healthy and sustainable way!”

Jaime Rogers

“I have always been an active person that worked on maintaining a healthy diet and have been self-conscious about my weight. As I got older and my hormones changed, I found it harder and harder to maintain my weight. I tried so many diets, cut back my calories, did more cardio, etc. only to be rewarded with no change or unwanted weight increase. February 2022, I decided to give nutritional coaching with Ashley a try.  In working with Ashley, I learned that the carb avoidance and calorie deprivation was only slowing down my metabolism and making things worse.  I needed to learn how to create the right balance of foods throughout the day and slowly increase my calories rather than decreasing them.  I also came to understand the other variables that impacted my body such as stress or inadequate rest. I can’t even begin to express the changes I noticed in my body!  I dropped my weight by about ten pounds and my body fat by 10 %!  I started out at 1100 calories per day and now I eat just under 1800.  Now you may think that I don’t live life, but let me tell you, I live life!  I’ve gone on multiple vacations, traveled for work and enjoyed the holidays. Working with Ashley has helped me to understand how to create balance in my life, physically and mentally.  I think it’s also worth noting that I’ve dropped my blood pressure medication in half and my cholesterol went from 238 to 168.  It’s so much more than just counting calories!  My clothes fit so dang good and I feel so great!”

Amaris Conner

“I’d always been active, healthy and fit. Then I had my kids and that just threw me for a loop. Bouncing back wasn’t automatic for me and the usual things I had done in the past just weren’t getting me where I wanted. Most of all I hit a point post COVID where I’d not only gained weight but I was so tired all the time. I had started working out and mentally felt better but the scale was going up.

I found Ashley through Lifetime and my main goal was having more energy and being more toned. I didn’t think I’d have big weight loss along the journey. It just wasn’t a major goal and I was skeptical it wasn’t possible so I didn’t want to fixate on it. However, following Ashley’s program and doing a reverse diet, I saw inches fall off and I was getting so strong.

I had so many break throughs working with Ashley, many of which were more about how to listen to how my body was feeling, learning that your body cycles and that’s ok. I also started incorporating strength training and doing way less cardio and being so much more aware of how what I ate made me feel.

I love my muscles! My arms and back, even after I’ve gone into maintenance and don’t track regularly, I’m so much more tone than I have been in a long time. I’m also proud to have learned and found this information that will be with me for life and to have met Ashley, she’s a wonderful human. I’m a mother, wife and I work full time and I learned how to navigate all the moments in life in a smarter and healthier way.

I would recommend Ashley to Mama’s 1000%, even before she became a mother, she had compassion combined with the tough love I needed to meet my goals and then some.”