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Ashley is an Old Soul, Passionate Lover, Intuit, Energy Healer, Inspirational Leader, New Path Forger, Hopeless Dreamer, Hippie Calling, Keeper of 2 Feline Familiars, Wanderlust Explorer, Compassionate Coach, Italian Rooted, Nature Nurturer, Recovering Sleepwalker, Corporate America Dropout, & Compassionate Guide on your healing journey.

I have always known I was meant to help heal the world. From a young age I remember being in the kitchen with my Grandma, learning all her secrets and soaking up her wisdom, and role playing my own restaurant (with my Grandpa as the faithful customer) that was going to serve my soul-bred food. I would often tell my friends and family, food is magic and like a doctor helps the sick, I too would care for and delight people with my food. I was never one of those fancy frilly chefs you see on TV. I was a home roots, soul led, pinch of this and a pinch of that, kinda culinary creator. 

Somewhere along the line, my vision of food as magic and healing the world through it, got lost in the static. I got pulled into the societal pressures of body image, dieting, vanity, competition, deprivation and extreme food rules. I lost all touch with food as magic and began to look at food in two ways: fuel (for the insane workouts I forced my body through) and the ENEMY (for the body fat that would coat my muscles and become the number one self-critical judgement I’d repeat to myself on the regular). I battled a binge-eating and bulimia eating disorder through parts of college, and it reared its ugly head overwhelmingly during my competition days; so much so that I even considered inpatient care - which is surprisingly expensive and inaccessible to someone who is seeking it out for personal help.

I left the culinary field altogether, venturing into the world of personal training and lifestyle coaching as a means to ensure that I would always keep my body in optimal form, as my job now required me to look a certain part. I told myself that I had dedicated so much of my life and school to culinary arts so that I could master the perfect diet to always keep me on “track” and help others do the same. I truly believed that I was helping people escape from societal pressures by helping them get to their dream body (even if their dream was unrealistic and unhealthy). 

It wasn’t until October of 2020, after completing my very first sacred plant medicine journey, that my awareness of the web I’d woven myself into became shockingly and terrifyingly clear. How had I gotten so off track? How had my passion for food and love and health and healing turned into this? 

Realizing was the beginning. The tracks are laid and the train is now in motion. 

I would walk into work, day in and day out, feeling like I was contributing to the poison that society is feeding us. I knew what I’d been doing wasn’t actually helping and I was limited in what I could say/do/encourage within corporate business constraints. Clients would come to me day in and day out, all wanting the same vanity goals. They would want me (their personal trainer and nutrition coach) to give them the perfect diet and exercise routine to achieve the body of their dreams and tell them that if they just try harder, if they just restrict and deprive, if they just demonize food a little more … that they would finally be the person they think the WORLD wants/needs/expects them to be. No amount of mindfulness, mentoring and guidance I give, can change someone's love for themselves. Only THEY can do that. 

So in March of 2023, I finally had enough and left the corporate America world and have ventured on my own. To be free to give the coaching I feel truly makes a difference. To nurture; to love; to encourage; to support in more ways than I previously could. To influence, to inspire, to introduce ways in which you can dial down the buzz, tune into your soul, discover your power, and expand your minds through things like sacred, healing medicine. It is from these realizations that stemmed in October of 2020, that Spirit and Soul Awakening was born. And through my own metamorphosis the past 3 years, Spirit and Soul Awakening continues to evolve.

This conscious creation is me; laid out for you to see. The vulnerable, raw, real truths. And the contents of my soul and life’s purpose. I hope to support, heal, bond and grow with as many souls as feel called to me. I love you. 

Certifications, Life Experience & Education:


Associates in Culinary Arts (CIA - Hyde Park NY)

Bachelors in Culinary Arts Management (CIA - Hyde Park NY)

Reiki Practioner - Level II

Certified Personal Trainer - NASM

Precision Nutrition Coach - Level I

USA Weightlifting Coach - Level I

Curriculum for Living Graduate - Landmark Worldwide

Earth School Student - 33 Years + Counting

Conscious Creation Apprentice with Rootstock Retreat - 2 Years + Counting

Binge Eating + Bulimia Disorder Survivor