Stay Tuned for our Inaugural Retreat Offering | Rootstock Retreat, Vermont

Reclaim your body’s sovereignty, release your ancestral patterns around food and nourish mind, body and heart in conscious community.

Climb inside the chrysalis. Bring your baggage. Bring your patterns. Bring your spare tire and your stretch marks, too. Don’t forget your self-doubt, fear and anxiety. Have anger? Bring it! What about confusion? Yes, that’s welcome too. Bring all of yourself and trust that you’re welcome here. This container was made for you. Not the perfect version of you. You. As you are right now.

Why Metamorphosis?

Metamorphosis Retreat is a safe container for people with disordered eating, body dysmorphia and/or food trauma to come together in sacred space to discover where their beliefs manifested from, to challenge and deconstruct limiting beliefs and enter into other realms of possibility as it relates to their food story. Weaving together ancestral healing and herbal pasta magic, sacred plant medicine, consciously created community meals with integration and newfound creation, it is my deepest hope that the medicine that helped heal my own food story, will help you heal yours too.

This retreat is for you if you feel limited by your food traumas and you are ready to investigate the source, shift perspectives and create a new paradigm of what it means to consciously consume, in your own reality.

The Program

  • Day 1 - Arrival - Arrive to the rustic and magical Rootstock Retreat sanctuary early afternoon and begin settling into your accommodations. Gather for introductions and our first shared meal - “Ashley’s Dinner” (my heart and soul presented to you on a plate) with a heart share of my own personal experience with food traumas and how Spirit and Soul Awakening was born. 

  • Day 2 - Calibration - Wake and gather for a community breakfast buffet before beginning a dialogue with Ashley as she shares some powerful and eye-opening information involving food trauma’s, emotions, family dynamics and the roles they play in your food story with an opportunity to share & inquire about your own personal experiences, triggers and idealizations. Break the day up with a sit-down lunch and an orientation of the Rootstock land, with plenty of time to journal, explore and familiarize yourself with your surroundings. We will gather for a thought-provoking and inspirational film and a conclude the evening with another opportunity to share with an open discussion of the film.

  • Day 3 - Ancestral Healing - Wake and gather for a community breakfast before beginning a magical day with our Ancestral Magic Maker and Herbalist, Melissa. With Melissa we will learn how our emotions and our tastes are linked, how we can use this knowledge to work with our own cravings and spend time foraging in the lush gardens of Rootstock, crafting our own herbal pasta, and indulging in the magic we created together. There will be an open dialogue discussion about food and our ancestors and how you grew up around food. We will conclude the day with a light dinner and sit with our Plant Spirit Guide, Beana, to talk about the sacred plant medicine journey, answer questions, and begin the intention setting creation. 

  • Day 4 - Sacred Plant Medicine - Wake and gather for a warm & nourishing breakfast before we sit for an intention setting circle with Beana to welcome in the sacred plant medicine experience. There will be a small window of time for you to explore, gather and prepare for your experience. Throughout, there will be wood-fired hot tubs for your leisure and relaxation, overflowing gardens, your first chance to interact with Danielle’s Child-Like Wonder and safe, sacred, space to be and experience your healing journey. As the evening wears down, we will enjoy consciously created nourishment, music and community as we begin to settle back into the present moment and unravel our experiences from our journey.

  • Day 5 - YOU Re-Born; Realization - Wake and gather for a community breakfast and an abundance of space and warmth to continue to marinate in your experiences from your journey. Beana will lead another integration circle to help you unpack some of the discoveries you made during your journey and ask some thought provoking questions to help you begin to make sense of your experience. There will be more garden foraging today to help incorporate into a co-created lunch in the Cosmic Egg oven before our Conscious Grief Coach, Emily, leads you through a healing Grief Pinwheel experience designed to help you release the parts of you that say you’re “broken” and welcome in the new parts of you that you will be consciously creating from hereon out. We will conclude the day with another evening of consciously created nourishments, music, wood-fired tubs and community.

  • Day 6 - Departure - Wake and gather for one more community breakfast and a chance to engage with Danielle’s Child Like Wonder. Enter into the world of creative space and visualization for your path forward before beginning closing circles and free time to say your parting wishes to the land, to your guides and to your newfound family.  

Team Metamorphosis

Integration doesn’t just happen. You are what you say, do, think, read, who you surround yourself with. When you are doing the work of recreating new versions of yourself, having a supporting, loving, safe accountability group of others with similar re-creations is vital.

I created Team Metamorphosis to be just that - a support network of loving, safe, and connected individuals who are on the same journey of recreating as you are. This group was the idea that sparked the entire Metamorphosis Retreat and its near and dear to my heart. I know that without my family of supporters, my journey would have been a much harder and lonelier one.

As a beautiful light participating in Metamorphosis Retreat, you will have a full one year membership into this growing network with the option to stay in for years and years to come should you choose to (and I so hope that you do!)

Click below to learn more about Team Metamorphosis’ intention for creation, how it was born, and how you can use it to help you on your journey.

Conscious Culinary

When it comes to healing from food trauma, it's my experience that it's not only WHAT you eat that matters, but also how you eat, where you eat, who your company is and what your conversation during your meal is that plays a vital role. All the meals provided to you during your retreat experience have been carefully curated, created with tender love and care, and are meant to help nourish your mind, body and soul along this healing journey. 

“Whole Foods + Soul Foods and No Guilt Ever” 

Sacred Plant Medicine 

Medicine Journey’s at Rootstock are all unique reflections of the people that participate in them, the quality of the light on the journey day, the bird songs, blooming flowers, music, and food.  ALCHEMY is what makes these experiences transformational and the vulnerability and openness of the guests that attend.  Though we will work with many varieties of plant and elemental medicine throughout this experience we will focus on mushroom medicine for our journey work.

This medicine is very safe and only contraindicated with SSRI’s so folks currently on these medications that wish to participate will need to work with their therapist directly to ensure readiness.  No special diet is required to prepare though taking good care of your body leading up to this kind of deep work is beneficial.

Your Guides…

  • Ashley DeAcetis


    Ashley DeAcetis is an old Soul, Passionate Lover, Intuit, Energy Healer, Inspirational Leader, New Path Forger, Hopeless Dreamer, Hippie Calling, Keeper of 2 Feline Familiars, Wanderlust Explorer, Compassionate Coach, Italian Rooted, Nature Nurturer, Recovering Sleepwalker, Aspiring Corporate America Dropout, & Empathetic Guide on your healing journey.

    Ashley has been in the coaching and healing realm since 2016 and began deeper spiritual work with sacred plant medicine in 2019. Ashley has been apprenticing with Beana Burn since 2020 and Metamorphosis Retreat is one of the many expressions that has opened up throughout their journey together.

  • Melissa Laurita Kohl


    Melissa Luarita Kohl seeks the numinal in the mundane, the medicine in common weedy things, and the power in story.

    As a writer, permaculturist, herbalist, homesteader, mother, artist, enthusiastic pasta maker, and masciara (a Lucani folk magic practitioner), Melissa draws on the many threads of her passions to weave safe and joyous spaces for learning and transformation. She embraces food as medicine and teaches sneaky and delicious ways to add herbal medicine to your food. Every home needs an herbalist, especially in the kitchen.

  • Emily Arbetter


    Emily Arbetter is a Conscious Guide, Positivity Enthusiast, Wanderlust Traveler, Animal Advocate, Motivational Coach through the Grief of All Human Natures, Endless Creator, and Light Bringer.

    Coming from a background of shamanic teachings and elemental healing, as well as working in vast multitudes and corners of life, Emily has spent most of her life navigating through her own mental struggles with grief and shadow work, and shares her own learning journey aiming to help inspire healing and growth within each of us.

    Emily has been apprenticing with Beana Bern as a fellow Conscious Creator since 2020 and creating her own offering, the “Grief Pinwheel” and has been on her spiritual journey of healing and teaching since 2018. She is excited to be helping Ashley breathe the Metamorphosis Retreat into life.

  • Beana Bern


    Beana Bern is the founder and resident Visionary and Life Sculptor behind Rootstock Retreat. She has been safely and sweetly guiding medicine retreats on this land since 2018 and it is her deepest joy and greatest privilege to share her home, her practice and her love with her guests. Rootstock is a small, conscious community and guests can look forward to the loving support of all our residents during this experience…all of whom are also dedicated to healing, growth and conscious expansion and delighted to serve.

The Setting

West Glover, Vermont was chartered in 1783, though the Nulhegan Tribe, The Memphremagog Band, and the Northern Cowasuk Indians have lived here - N'DAKINNA (Our Land) - from time beyond memory. 

Rootstock Retreat is an elemental healing sanctuary, community-supported bathhouse in the making and small creative refuge designed for healing, conscious connection and joy.  This transformational retreat will take place all throughout Rootstock’s grounds - within the Tipi Temple, high on a hill in Vermont’s Northeast Kingdom, on the Earth and around a fire, amidst the flourishing gardens and greenhouse, and under the watchful and grounding vibration of Dragon Rock.

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Metamorphosis Retreat offering