Virtual Support & Integration Community

Integration doesn’t just happen. You are what you say, do, think, read, who you surround yourself with. When you are doing the work of recreating new versions of yourself, having a supporting, loving, safe accountability group of others with similar re-creations is vital.

Team Metamorphosis is an online community woven from the beautiful and courageous folks that enter into and emerge, like butterflies, from the Metamorphosis Retreat.

In this support group, there is open access to communicate to other members for support, love and accountability creating a unique community of like-minded spirts. There is a monthly integration support meeting led by Ashley and occasional guest speakers with workshops, focus topics, tasks and challenges designed to keep you in the conversation of your newly created self.

How It Was Born:

Team Metamorphosis was a dream brought into reality (temporarily) back in 2019 as a result of a leadership and development course I was completing. We were tasked with creating something that would help benefit the community, thinking bigger than just ourselves.

the first group of powerhouse ladies in my first launch of Team Metamorphosis

I’m no stranger to body image and food traumas and back in my grade school and college days, I used to be severely overweight and was constantly in a battle with my body (one that continued for years to come). Despite putting on a great front, I remember always feeling so hopeless and alone.

Ashley 2010

with a big ‘ol fake smile, a drink in my hand (I didn’t even like drinking) to mask the pain and 245lbs on my body from constant binge eating and lack of motivation to get healthy.

What I intended to create in 2019 with Team Metamorphosis was a support group for women and men who were on a body transformation journey and/or who struggled with body image. Back in its first creation, it was an in-person support group that got together for events like vision boarding and self-love activities.

this was our very first Team Metamorphosis event

Shortly after its creation, I became very overwhelmed with my own disorder. I had just completed my first body physique show and my binge/purge disorder was at an all-time high. I was trying super hard to heal and put on a healthy front, but on the inside, I was torn apart and miserable. The support group I had created to help heal and nurture my community actually became a huge trigger for my own struggles. I felt like an imposter trying to help support others through their journey when I was still in so much of the thick of my own battle.

Ultimately, with the completion of the leadership course I was taking in the rear view and my insecurities on the rise, I let the drive and structure of Team Metamorphosis slowly fade away …. that is, until now.

The Team Metamorphosis that you see before you today is very much rooted from the same intention and with the same pureness as its original version, but with a newfound confidence, support system, structure and drive. During my first ever sacred plant medicine journey with Plant Medicine Guide Beana, Team Metamorphosis was re-enlivened and became a huge part of my integration and newfound identity as I began to differentiate between the person I am and the person I was being in the height of my struggles.

I was BORN to lead this fight. I know this now, without a shadow of a doubt. I wasn’t ready back in 2019. I still had more healing and developing I needed to do. But now, I am so grateful and ready to welcome you into this community with me. Its true what they say - “Heal Yourself and You Heal the World.”

The Community:

24/7 online support platform (Facebook private group) with once a month workshops, focus topics, tasks, guest teachers and challenges optional for continued integration. Once you complete the Metamorphosis Retreat, you are entered into this loving community for one full year (longer if you choose) to continue to evolve and learn to spread your wings and fly.